Practice Hacking With Damn Vulnerable Web Application

Recently we posted a series of  Tutorials on Sql Injection, Many our blog readers were asking various questions regarding it, But one question which we repeatedly got was, How do i practice SQL injection or any other web hacking techniques in a legal way ?, So we decided to write an article to let you Know about Damn Vulnerable Web App Continue reading

No Internet On March 8 ???

No Internet On March 8 ?

No Internet on march 8 ???

The Internet could go dark for millions of users as early as March 8 because of a virus that has corrupted computers in more than 100 countries.The computer script, called DNSChanger Trojan, taps into fraudulent servers, sending users of the Web to unintended – and sometimes illegal – sites.

The primary impact of this infection is that it caused web surfers to be sent to fraudulent websites by changing what is called the DNS settings on compromised computers.The Domain Name System (DNS) is the backbone of the Internet’s address scheme and DNS servers are special computers around the world that act as Internet traffic cops providing directions to websites that you wish to visit.

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